ITG — The Imaging Technology Group
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
ITG — The Imaging Technology Group
The Imaging Technology Group (ITG) provides sophisticated microscopy, spectroscopy, and visualization facilities (including macrophotography, ultra-high-speed imaging, and custom journal covers/figures), as well as a comprehensive list of
2D and 3D image analysis software packages. These services are available for researchers at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, other universities, startups,
and industry. The secondary mission of ITG is to develop advanced imaging technologies with an emphasis on projects in remote instrument control and novel types of scientific visualization.
Microscopy Suite Users
For new users, please email itg-ms@beckman.illinois.edu to set up a time for training. For users who have already been trained, please read and acknowledge that you have read this notice before signing up for time: Microscopy Suite Covid 19 Safety SOP, and take the training at https://www.drs.illinois.edu/Page/COVID19CampusSafety and provide your certificate to speyton@illinois.edu.
While you are here, go check out Bugscope!
Bugscope is a free educational outreach program that allows educators to access the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope in the Beckman Institute from a regular web browser over a standard broadband signal. Students all over the world can engage with the microscopic world of insects from the comfort of their classroom!
Please consider acknowledging the Beckman core facilities and/or staff In your publications. If substantial contributions and time investments are made, you may also consider co-authorship with core facility staff.
Please acknowledge our contributions as such:
The "core facility" (i.e., Visualization Lab or Microscopy Suite) at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology.