define filter_axis_0
getCurrentEventAxis 0.000031 * setCurrentEventAxis
define filter_axis_1
getCurrentEventAxis -0.000031 * setCurrentEventAxis
/* Define stuff to rotate & remap positional coordinates and rotate orientation by 135 degrees around Y */
matrix yTransRotMatrix
-45. yaxis yTransRotMatrix rotationMatrix
vector oldLo
vector oldHi
vector newLo
vector newHi
1.2 -5. 1.2 oldLo vectorStore
10.4 5. 10.4 oldHi vectorStore
-5. 0. -5. newLo vectorStore
5. 10. 5. newHi vectorStore
vector oldRange
vector newRange
oldHi oldLo 3 oldRange arraySubtract
newHi newLo 3 newRange arraySubtract
vector newOldRatio
newRange oldRange 3 newOldRatio arrayDivide
vector position
define rescale_position
position oldLo 3 position arraySubtract
position newOldRatio 3 position arrayMultiply
position newLo 3 position arrayAdd
matrix yRotMatrix
-135 yaxis yRotMatrix rotationMatrix
matrix inputMatrix
matrix rotMatrix
matrix transMatrix
/* Apply transformations that are common to all sensors */
define filter_all_matrices
inputMatrix getCurrentEventMatrix
/* Extract translation, rotate it by 45 degrees about y */
inputMatrix position extractTranslation
yTransRotMatrix position position vectorTransform
/* Rescale position coords */
/* Rotate rotation component about Y */
inputMatrix rotMatrix extractRotationMatrix
yRotMatrix rotMatrix rotMatrix matrixMultiply
/* Recombine translational and rotational components */
position transMatrix translationMatrixV
transMatrix rotMatrix inputMatrix matrixMultiply
/* Apply tracker-calibration lookup table */
inputMatrix inputMatrix doTrackerCalibration
inputMatrix setCurrentEventMatrix
/* Fix rotational matrix components (depends on how sensors are mounted) */
matrix headZRotMatrix
matrix wandZRotMatrix
matrix wandTweakMatrix
/* Head sensor is mounted sideways */
-90 zaxis headZRotMatrix rotationMatrix
/* Wand sensor is mounted upside-down */
-180 zaxis wandZRotMatrix rotationMatrix
/* Wand sensor points upwards by about 20 degrees with gamepad held
subjectively level (actually tilted up slightly, but it feels right) */
-20. xaxis wandTweakMatrix rotationMatrix
matrix wandRotMatrix
wandZRotMatrix wandTweakMatrix wandRotMatrix matrixMultiply
/* Head-specific filter (applied after generic, above) */
define filter_matrix_0
inputMatrix getCurrentEventMatrix
inputMatrix inputMatrix doIIRFilter
inputMatrix headZRotMatrix inputMatrix matrixMultiply
inputMatrix setCurrentEventMatrix
/* Hand-specific filter (applied after generic) */
define filter_matrix_1
inputMatrix getCurrentEventMatrix
inputMatrix wandRotMatrix inputMatrix matrixMultiply
inputMatrix setCurrentEventMatrix
NOTE: inputsimulator is a hack, treated uniquely.
In particular, it has no szg_device record as in the above!
The cube's configuration has two parts. The user-dependent part is the
path wherein executables are searched for. The other part handles the
rest. This second part is further subdivided into "everything else"
and "graphics" configuration that varies per user (really just varies
based on linux or windows).
Exec paths: replace THE_USER_NAME with your login name.
If using Python 2.4 in Windows, change Python22 to Python24.
Hosts running Python exes need python in their EXEC_PATH.
picasso SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32
joystick SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32
air SZG_EXEC path /home/public/THE_USER_NAME/bin/linux;/usr/bin
north SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32;g:\Python22
south SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32;g:\Python22
east SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32;g:\Python22
west SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32;g:\Python22
top SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32;g:\Python22
bottom SZG_EXEC path G:\THE_USER_NAME\bin\win32;g:\Python22
Path for python applications.
picasso needs it only for locating bundled data (sounds).
air SZG_PYTHON path /home/public/THE_USER_NAME/pycube
north SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
south SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
east SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
west SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
top SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
bottom SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
fire SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
picasso SZG_PYTHON path G:\THE_USER_NAME\pycube
Path for python modules. The application directory, SZG_PYTHON/path,
and each host's PYTHONPATH are also searched.
air SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
north SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
south SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
east SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
west SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
top SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
bottom SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
fire SZG_PYTHON lib_path NULL
Configuration that is basically the same for all users. Graphics comes last.
definitions of the cube virtual computers
The "standard" virtual computer (trigger on air).
cube SZG_CONF location cube
cube SZG_CONF virtual true
cube SZG_TRIGGER map air
cube SZG_DISPLAY number_screens 6
cube SZG_DISPLAY0 networks cube/internet
cube SZG_DISPLAY1 map bottom/SZG_DISPLAY0
cube SZG_DISPLAY1 networks cube/internet
cube SZG_DISPLAY2 map north/SZG_DISPLAY0
cube SZG_DISPLAY2 networks cube/internet
cube SZG_DISPLAY3 map south/SZG_DISPLAY0
cube SZG_DISPLAY3 networks cube/internet
cube SZG_DISPLAY4 networks cube/internet
cube SZG_DISPLAY5 networks cube/internet
cube SZG_INPUT0 map air/cube_tracker/joystick/cube_joystick
cube SZG_INPUT0 networks internet
cube SZG_SOUND map picasso
cube SZG_SOUND networks internet
Windows-only V.C., trigger on north
wincube SZG_CONF location cube
wincube SZG_CONF virtual true
wincube SZG_TRIGGER map north
wincube SZG_DISPLAY number_screens 6
wincube SZG_DISPLAY0 map top/SZG_DISPLAY0
wincube SZG_DISPLAY0 networks cube/internet
wincube SZG_DISPLAY1 map bottom/SZG_DISPLAY0
wincube SZG_DISPLAY1 networks cube/internet
wincube SZG_DISPLAY2 map north/SZG_DISPLAY0
wincube SZG_DISPLAY2 networks cube/internet
wincube SZG_DISPLAY3 map south/SZG_DISPLAY0
wincube SZG_DISPLAY3 networks cube/internet
wincube SZG_DISPLAY4 map east/SZG_DISPLAY0
wincube SZG_DISPLAY4 networks cube/internet
wincube SZG_DISPLAY5 map west/SZG_DISPLAY0
wincube SZG_DISPLAY5 networks cube/internet
wincube SZG_INPUT0 map air/cube_tracker/joystick/cube_joystick
wincube SZG_INPUT0 networks internet
wincube SZG_SOUND map picasso
wincube SZG_SOUND networks internet
V.C. for many experiments: Windows-only,
trigger on north, with a copy also running on fire.
expt_cube SZG_CONF location cube
expt_cube SZG_CONF virtual true
expt_cube SZG_TRIGGER map north
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY number_screens 7
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY0 map top/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY0 networks cube/internet
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY1 map bottom/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY1 networks cube/internet
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY2 map north/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY2 networks cube/internet
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY3 map south/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY3 networks cube/internet
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY4 map east/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY4 networks cube/internet
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY5 map west/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY5 networks cube/internet
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY6 map fire/SZG_DISPLAY0
expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY6 networks internet
expt_cube SZG_INPUT0 map air/cube_tracker/joystick/cube_joystick
expt_cube SZG_INPUT0 networks internet
expt_cube SZG_SOUND map picasso
expt_cube SZG_SOUND networks internet
V.C. for reaction-time experiments: Windows-only,
trigger on north, with a copy also running on fire,
using reaction-timer instead of normal joystick.
rt_expt_cube SZG_CONF location cube
rt_expt_cube SZG_CONF virtual true
rt_expt_cube SZG_TRIGGER map north
rt_expt_cube SZG_MASTER map SZG_DISPLAY2
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY number_screens 7
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY0 map top/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY0 networks cube/internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY1 map bottom/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY1 networks cube/internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY2 map north/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY2 networks cube/internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY3 map south/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY3 networks cube/internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY4 map east/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY4 networks cube/internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY5 map west/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY5 networks cube/internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY6 map fire/SZG_DISPLAY0
rt_expt_cube SZG_DISPLAY6 networks internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_INPUT0 map air/cube_tracker/joystick/reaction_timer
rt_expt_cube SZG_INPUT0 networks internet
rt_expt_cube SZG_SOUND map picasso
rt_expt_cube SZG_SOUND networks internet
Windows-only V.C., trigger on fire
firecube SZG_CONF virtual true
firecube SZG_TRIGGER map fire
firecube SZG_DISPLAY number_screens 7
firecube SZG_DISPLAY0 map top/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY0 networks internet/cube
firecube SZG_DISPLAY1 map bottom/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY1 networks internet/cube
firecube SZG_DISPLAY2 map north/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY2 networks internet/cube
firecube SZG_DISPLAY3 map south/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY3 networks internet/cube
firecube SZG_DISPLAY4 map east/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY4 networks internet/cube
firecube SZG_DISPLAY5 map west/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY5 networks internet/cube
firecube SZG_DISPLAY6 map fire/SZG_DISPLAY0
firecube SZG_DISPLAY6 networks internet
firecube SZG_INPUT0 map air/cube_tracker/joystick/cube_joystick
firecube SZG_INPUT0 networks internet
firecube SZG_SOUND map picasso
firecube SZG_SOUND networks internet
fire-only V.C.
vfire SZG_CONF virtual true
vfire SZG_TRIGGER map fire
vfire SZG_DISPLAY number_screens 1
vfire SZG_DISPLAY0 map fire/SZG_DISPLAY0
vfire SZG_DISPLAY0 networks internet
vfire SZG_INPUT0 map fire/inputsimulator
vfire SZG_INPUT0 networks internet
vfire SZG_SOUND map picasso
vfire SZG_SOUND networks internet
Definitions of search paths that are the same for all users
(really just varies with OS).
picasso SZG_DATA path g:\Data
picasso SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
picasso SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
picasso SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
joystick SZG_DATA path g:\Data
joystick SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
joystick SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
joystick SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
air SZG_DATA path /home/public/Data
air SZG_SOUND path /home/public/Sounds
air SZG_RENDER texture_path /home/public/Texture
air SZG_RENDER text_path /home/public/Texture/Text
north SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
north SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
north SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
north SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
south SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
south SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
south SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
south SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
east SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
east SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
east SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
east SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
west SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
west SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
west SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
west SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
top SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
top SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
top SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
top SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
bottom SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
bottom SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
bottom SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
bottom SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
fire SZG_DATA path c:\Data;g:\Data
fire SZG_SOUND path g:\Sounds
fire SZG_RENDER texture_path g:\Texture
fire SZG_RENDER text_path g:\Texture\Text
misc. definitions
air SZG_FARO probe_radius 0.23
air SZG_FAROCAL coord_transform NULL
air SZG_FAROCAL cube_width 9.86
air SZG_FAROCAL data_file temp.xml
air SZG_FAROCAL data_render_scale_factor 10
air SZG_FAROCAL filter arFaroCalFilter
air SZG_FAROCAL grid_cube_size .2
air SZG_FAROCAL num_divisions 7
air SZG_FAROCAL num_samples 60
air SZG_INPUT filter arTrackCalFilter
air SZG_MOTIONSTAR IIR_filter_weights 0/0.9/0
air SZG_MOTIONSTAR calib_file FaroCalLookupTables.txt
air SZG_MOTIONSTAR use_button false
Experiment-related parameters
north SZG_EXPT save_data false
north SZG_EXPT file_name Demo
north SZG_EXPT method enumerated
north SZG_EXPT subject DEMO
north SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
south SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
east SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
west SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
top SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
bottom SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
fire SZG_EXPT path G:\Experiments
joystick SZG_RT com_port 1
Head parameters (on master & controller)
north SZG_HEAD eye_spacing 0.2
north SZG_HEAD eye_direction 1/0/0
north SZG_HEAD mid_eye_offset 0.29/0/0.25
north SZG_HEAD fixed_head_mode false
fire SZG_HEAD eye_spacing 0.2
fire SZG_HEAD eye_direction 1/0/0
fire SZG_HEAD mid_eye_offset 0.29/0/0.25
fire SZG_HEAD fixed_head_mode false
air SZG_HEAD eye_spacing 0.2
air SZG_HEAD eye_direction 1/0/0
air SZG_HEAD mid_eye_offset 0.29/0/0.25
air SZG_HEAD fixed_head_mode false
This is the true mid-eye offset.
An incorrect one is used because it makes the tracker error
and latency less noticeable during head turns.
north SZG_HEAD mid_eye_offset 0.29/0/-0.21
Locate the inputsimulator nicely on fire, the psych experimenter's console.
fire SZG_INPUTSIM position 600/100
north SZG_DISPLAY0 name front_window_stereo
east SZG_DISPLAY0 name right_window_stereo
west SZG_DISPLAY0 name left_window_stereo
south SZG_DISPLAY0 name rear_window_stereo
top SZG_DISPLAY0 name top_window_stereo
bottom SZG_DISPLAY0 name bottom_window_stereo
fire SZG_DISPLAY0 name hmd_window_mono