Visualization Laboratory Fees
New Vis Lab rates effective 3/1/2025. Please contact Vis Lab staff if you have any questions: itg-vl@beckman.illinois.edu
The following fees are in effect for use of the Visualization Laboratory and for purchase of services and materials. Rates listed are effective as of March 1, 2025. The "External" fees reflect an additional UIUC 31.7% administrative fee for external organizations.
Equipment/Services | All U of I & Other Universities | Private Sector |
Visualization Laboratory Computer/Citrix Usage | $7.78/hour | |
Highspeed Camera/Video Camera | $44.62/hour | |
Still DSLR Cameras | $16.68/hour (includes lens) | |
3D Visualization Services | $46.00/hour | $125.00/hour |
Visualization Laboratory Usage
To check out Visualization Laboratory portable equipment you must be a current registered ITG user. Email us at itg-vl@beckman.illinois.edu for questions about equipment rentals.
3D Visualization Services
3D Visualization is an hourly rate for work performed by ITG staff for a specific project. Those who utilize the Visualization Laboratory and its services will always be notified first if their request for assistance would incur charges at the Production and Services rates.
This includes creating visualizations, graphics, photography, animations, videos, and other creative works; 3D modeling; video tape duplication and digitization; 2D and 3D scanning; 3D file format conversions; other activities that do not fall under the broad area of general training on lab equipment. ITG staff are able to train and provide introductory assistance on most equipment, but are not able to provide repeated in-depth trainings on the same instrument or software packages for the same lab user. In this way, we ask that lab users keep detailed notes during any training session in efforts to reduce duplicated appointments for the same procedure. Please refer to the Training section below for more detailed information on training-related costs.
External service work requires prior Beckman business office approval and the completion of either a Technical Testing agreement (for services performed) or a Facility Use Agreement (for using our facilities). Then you will work with our accounting office to create an internal account that will be used for project billing. This process can take up to 6 weeks to complete so plan accordingly and contact us several weeks before your expected deadline.
Fixed High-Speed Imaging System
The fixed high-speed imaging system is a Vision Research Phantom v9.1 camera with accessories including a array of lighting options and a high-sensitivity force gauge attached to a motorized test stand (for stress/strain and fracture tests). This camera system is permanently housed in the Visualization Laboratory and cannot be removed from the lab. The setup is designed for capturing processes and experiments that can be conducted in the lab. This excludes anything that cannot be contained inside what is essentially a computer lab. Any experiments that involve flying debris, liquid spray, potential for smoke/fire, or otherwise "messy" activity may not be conducted in the lab. The floor in the lab is carpeted and there is a smoke detector just above the fixed high speed camera area, you get the idea. However, we encourage this type of chaotic investigation with our portable high speed camera system which can be taken outside the lab, as long as the proper precautions have been taken to completely cover and protect the camera, lens, tripod, and all of our portable accessories.
When conducting any recording with the fixed high speed camera in the lab, you must take all precautions to completely cover and protect the camera, lens, tripod, and all of our portable accessories. Any damages to this equipment are the full responsibility of the person using them and charges for repair or replacement will be assessed to the account holder in the event of damage.
See the Image Capture page for more details on this camera system.
Portable High-Speed Imaging System
Portable High-Speed Imaging System is a Vision Research Miro eX4 Color camera with accessories. It is ideal for capturing processes and experiments that cannot be conducted inside the lab. This includes anything "messy" that might propel debris or liquid into the lab, set off the nearby smoke detector, etc. If you are not sure whether your process or experiment is suitable for the lab, please err on the side of caution and use the portable high speed imaging system in your own space. In general, if what you are trying to capture may pose a risk to a carpeted computer lab environment, you should use the portable camera rather than the fixed camera in the lab.
When conducting any recording with the portable high speed camera outside the lab, you must take all precautions to completely cover and protect the camera, lens, tripod, and all of our portable accessories. Any damages to this equipment are the full responsibility of the person using them and charges for repair or replacement will be assessed to the account holder in the event of damage.
See the Image Capture page for more details on this camera system.
Training refers to assisting a user in getting oriented with their specific software and providing them with adequate training user guides, and/or online training material. Vis Lab staff aren't experts on every software package in the lab, and will train you according to their skill level. Staff will do their best at providing user guides if no one-on-one training is available.