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Flow-Cell with Extended Focus

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Created 10/4/2005
These photos show a flow-cell with opposing orifices for the study of extensional and aligning effects of elongational flow-fields on macromolecules in solution. With this set-up, two glass tubes are immersed facing each other in the solution. A stagnation point is created in the center of the flow field by fluid being sucked through both tubes simultaneously. The apparatus can be used to provide information on chain flexibility, coil dimensions and molecular weight of flexible molecules. The device was photographed using the Canon EOS-1Ds and an appropriate macro lens. The upper image exhibits the results of a technique for creating "extended focus" or "extended depth of field" images in Adobe Photoshop. This technique is useful or creating an image of apparent omni-focus from a sequence of images in which only particular regions are in focus.
- Magnus Andersson , Autonomic Materials Group, Beckman Institute
- Matt Young , ITG, Beckman Institute