Image Gallery

Media Details
Created 8/15/2008
"Infusion", cone-painting, by artist Rajni Shinghal. Cone-painting is an unique style for oil painting improvised by Shinghal. This photographic image was created for large scale print reproduction and archiving. Photographed using the ITG's 21.1 megapixel Canon 1Ds Mark III digital SLR camera by Steve Eisenmann and Jevon Wild. The two photographers captured multiple images and used Photoshop to stitch the images together in one final composite image. Finally, color balancing and cropping were performed in Photoshop by Yu Hasegawa-Johnson. Rajni Shinghal's original cone-paintings can be seen at the coming Festival of the Arts Downtown on Aug. 16, 2008, 11am-7pm, 61 Walnut street, Downtown, Champaign.
- Jevon Wild , ITG, Beckman Institute
- Yu Hasegawa-Johnson , Artist & Filmmaker
- Steve Eisenmann , ITG, Beckman Institute
- Rajni Shinghal , Artist