University of illinois Urbana-Champaign

Image of the Week Gallery

Cover for Nature Materials

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Created 2/14/2006

A silicone rubber stamp holds an array of silicon microbeams, illustrating a new way to manipulate small objects using rate-controlled adhesion. The stamp is twisted to demonstrate its flexibility and conformability. This image, which illustrates the work of Matt Meitl and others from John Rogers' research group, was selected for the cover of [i]Nature Materials[/i], Vol. 5, No. 1 (January 2006). The cover image was created in the VMIL using ITG's Canon EOS 1Ds high-resolution Digital SLR, fiber optic and tungsten lighting, and a series of gels for color effect.


  • Benjamin Grosser , ITG, Beckman Institute
  • Chas Conway , ITG, Beckman Institute
  • Matthew Meitl , 3D Micro- and Nanosystems, Beckman Institute
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